Finding Confidence and Motivation to move Forward

Finding Confidence and Motivation to move Forward with Lisa Hyde

Confidence is something every single one of us has struggled with at some point. Building confidence and finding the motivation to keep pushing forward toward your goals are both things that you have to build along the way. In this episode, my dear friend Lisa Hyde of the Confidence Crown is joining me to share her story of building a business with confidence and mastering self-motivation. If you want tips for building more confidence or finding the motivation to keep going, then this one’s for you!

Check out Lisa’s Website:
Follow Lisa on Instagram: @theconfidencecrown


Lisa had a 12 year career in the talent agency and worked with some huge names in entertainment. She even worked with Tony Robbins long before she ever got into the world of personal development. After her mom got sick, Lisa had to become a caretaker, and gave up that career. She worked a high-end retail job, went back to school for a nursing program that she hated, got started in direct sales, and went through various jobs and pivots before having to become a caretaker again when her grandmother got sick too.

Lisa never gave up though, and ended up creating a brand and podcast called The Confidence Crown. She really focuses on helping women overcome the blocks that are keeping them from moving forward with their dreams, and even authored a book called Be StrongHER. Now, after years of transitions and diving into personal development, Lisa is successfully running her company while also working alongside Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins for their program the Knowledge Broker Blueprint.


I’ve been through so much loss in my life, that I built this resilience gene that has been in my life forever. I took no as a challenge to work harder and be better. It’s easier to be confident most of the time when you’ve built up that confidence. You have to choose to push yourself through things in order to build that ability to believe in yourself. If you want something bad enough, you need to figure out how to do it, and the confidence will build over time.

Related Post: Dealing with Shame and Using it to Propel you Forward


First of all, know that you’re not alone. It’s easy to beat yourself up and be mad about what you don’t know or can’t do, but you have to realize that it takes momentum. Confidence is an ever-growing thing. You have to get into action to see results. If you want to feel motivated, you have to create the motivation. You need to reassess what’s stopping you. When did you stop believing in yourself? What happened? If you can get over the foundational problems of when you lost your confidence, then you can build from there.

You’re not alone. You have to get into action to see results and that creates the motivation and confidence.

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